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HMS - Hotel Management System Download HMS English Version
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HMS is a network integrated software solution for hotel operations and management. It covers all hotel functional areas like front office, outlets, and back office as general accounting, inventory, purchasing, and human resource management. It also includes modules for group reservations, room service and management reporting.

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HMA - Hotels Marketing Analysis Download HMA
HMA is software dedicated to hotels holding companies as well as individual hotels. It collects monthly transaction data via email about number of guests (pax), guest nights, and room nights from each hotel and imported them into the central database of the holding company. It produces statistical reports about markets, tour operators and guest nationalities accompanied with graphs and charts depicting the trends. It also generates Excel sheets for further analysis with the capabilities of the Excel program.

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MMS - Material Management System Download MMS
MMS is a collection of software modules covering Inventory control for multiple stores, Material supply management, and Items Catalogue in which all materials processed within the organization are stored and documented for the purpose of standardizing the material processing within the company.

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CBS - Cinema Booking System Download CBS
CBS has two modes of operation, Administrator Mode and Operator (or Booking) Mode. The first user who runs the system will be registered as administrator. The adminstrator defines other users of the system of type adminstrator or operator using AUS module. When the administrator loged in the administrator's form opened for defining seat types and prices, seat layout, sessions, print reports. When a non-administrator logged in, the mode of operation will be Booking Mode. In booking mode, Cinema Layout is displayed to select seats by clicking on it with the mouse left button. Cancel individual seat selection by the left mouse button with the shift key down. After selection, click on [Book] button with left mouse button to book selected seats or click on [Cancel Selection] button to cancel all selected seats. Users can cancel last booking by clicking on the button [Cancel Booking]. User can cancel individual seat booking by clicking on the seat cell with the left mouse button with the Ctrl key down. Users can move between sessions by clicking on the button marked with [<-] for previous session or [->] for next session. The seats status is displayed for the current date and current session according to the computer clock. Users may change date by typing any date in the date field or double click the date field to display a calendar for selected the date required. Users can use access database accompanied with the application to define seat layout in which he defines for each cell the row number, column number, string ID, type code linked with the seat type table, horizontal (width) size ratio (wSizeRatio), and vertical (height) size ratio (hSizeRatio). WSizeRatio and hSizeRatio must be greater than one since the normal seat size has the ratio one. The user can leave spaces between rows and columns by jumping row number or column number in the layout.